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School Application


Define - Evidence - Evaluate - Options

Commercial viability & educational impact reviews ranging from 1-day immediate action tasks, to long-term,strategic assessments


A unique understanding of the overlap

between education, traded services

and commercial underpinning


Improved financial performance,

increased growth and enhanced

educational impact


Best practice in general management to

deliver improved outcomes for service users,

whilst maximising returns for service deliverers

Commercial Assessment

Strategic Appraisal

Operational Effectiveness

Financial Analysis

Marketing Strategy

Commercial Viability

Growth Opportunities

Risk Management



Educational Impact

T&L Effectiveness

Programme Development

Student Outcomes

Sector Developments

Educational Research

Supporting Technologies



Online/Blended Plan


Digital Marketing

UX & Satisfaction

Sustainable Growth

Business Modelling

Commercial Perspective

Local Authorities

& MATs

Service Reviews

Early Years

SEND & Virtual School

School Improvement

Strategic & System Leadership Coaching/Mentoring

Governance at all levels


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